Revolution of science at hand

New book by Groninger citizen Eit Gaastra
By Hans Berens

Groninger citizen Eit Gaastra has written a new book: The third revolution of science. In this book he announces the end of the current philosophy, physics, cosmology and astronomy. His book contains almost 600 pages and is written for a general public.

Gaastra (Terwispel, 1962), whose original profession is bio process engineering, worked two years as an engineer before writing novels during the nineties, which led him to philosophy and science. Self-taught he engrossed full time in philosophy, physics, cosmology and astronomy the last decade. His book unites many fields of science in a theory of everything.

“The book starts with the history of science. The first revolution of science took place in the classical antiquity in Greece. Thanks to a strongly improved script the Greek were better in saving and exchanging ideas,” Gaastra tells. “The second revolution of science originates from the Renaissance thanks to the rise of the art of printing. This second revolution concerned entire Europe.”

“The third revolution of science concerns the whole earth and will take down Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which is the foundation of current science. It will also take down the big bang model of the universe. This third revolution is brought by strongly improved communication by e-mail and the Internet, which ensures that formerly isolated alternative thinkers join forces, as happens for instance on”

“Current science is based on ad hoc assumptions,” says Gaastra. “For example Einstein's assumption that the speed of light is always constant relative to everything that moves with a constant speed. Many alternative thinking scientists challenge this assumption and propagate an ether theory, in which smaller and faster particles than light particles determinate the speed of light. Also they look upon gravity as a force that is caused by pushing ether particles instead of Einstein's so-called curvature of spacetime.”

“Conventional scientists think that the universe originated in a big bang 13.7 billion years ago. Many alternative thinkers dismiss this model and think that the universe is infinite in space and time,” says Gaastra. “Big bang cosmologists think that small dots on photographs of the far away universe are galaxies in the early big bang universe. I predict that in the next decade astronomers will observe that many of those dots are clusters of galaxies and that light from those clusters needed more than 50 billion years to reach us.”

According to Gaastra science dogmatized in the twentieth century. “Conventional scientists consider both the theory of relativity and the big bang model as absolutely true, which makes other theories wrong by definition.”

“The key word in current science is self-interest. Scientists who want to have a career are obliged to think as the majority and are not allowed to deviate from the beaten paths. Current conventional scientists dictate dogmas top-down. Thus scientific integrity and creativity are destroyed by self-interest. My book criticises this sharply.”

More rosy
Gaastra thinks that the third revolution of science inevitably brings a new philosophy. “Current philosophy states that life is meaningless, because according to big bang cosmology the universe expands until everything is cold and lifeless. In an infinite old and infinite big universe there will always be life. And: smaller and faster particles than photons can bring very advanced techniques, through which humankind may survive when our sun extinguishes and through which we may communicate with other intelligent life somewhere else in the universe. The philosophy and science of the twentieth century will be thrown on the theory-scrapheap and humankind will develop a more rosy picture on life and the universe.”
